President’s Update – September 2019

Hey everyone – thank you so much for coming out yesterday to our first event of the new “school” year. We had about 35 guys show up including over 10 guests which was amazing!

For those that missed it, here are the summary notes:

  • We have some capacity built up in out accounts which we are able to spend, so if you have any connections that might be looking to get funds for a fitting cause please pass it on to your board members
  • The Ladies Gala Committee is in full swing and the volunteer spots are filling up quick for October 25th so if you are interested in attending get your name in to Nick quick!  We will be asking everyone to share the event on their social media and really push ticket sales, as well as help us find sponsorship for the event.  Much more info to come.
  • We are looking for 4 or 5 new members to join the Battle of Alberta (BOA) committee for our 2020 event as some of the former members are interested in stepping down after several years of running the event.  Please let me or Ted know if you are interested in joining
  • The Social Committee is working on getting members to attend the Octoberfest event that Charlie Bredo from Troubled Monk came out to tell us about. More info to come but the date is September 20th I believe.
  • Nick is also organizing the CIBC Run for the Cure to raise funds for breast cancer research.  Please contact him if you have questions and pass this event on to any friends or family that may be interested!

Next meeting is September 18th, 2019 at Hudsons at 6pm

Welcome back!  Make sure you let me know if you have any people that want to sign up as new members and I will pass on the sign up sheets.

President Jorge Robinson


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