Thanks for everyone who came out last night. We had Doug Evans (CoRD) and Les (Boys & Girls Club) come out to present the Adventure Play Program which allows for children to get off their phones and get active and creative in a natural environment. Basically they set them up with basic building materials and supplies and let them play. A lot of the children involved in the program come from low income homes. It was a good presentation and I think it’s a good fit for us. Their ask is for volunteer hours for the weekends of June 7th and July 6th. We will have further discussions with them on what specifically they would like us to help out with but Carl had offered some trailers from KCB Cabinets so we may want to do the transportation for them.
If you have interest in volunteering for this cause please let me know. As money has been a bit tighter this year, I’ve been looking for more volunteer opportunities for us where we can make a difference and this fits right in with that.
I tentatively have our golf set at Lakewood Golf Course in Sylvan on June 21st starting at 5:30pm (staggered start, those who arrive first will take first tee time). It is their 9 & dine deal, so if we pair up its $81.95 for 9 holes for 2 plus a prime rib meal after or anything off their menu you would like.
If you can make June 21st golf, please confirm with me. If we don’t get enough guys, I may try to reschedule.
We have committed $2,000 to the Red Deer Better Biking Program, which is a program we have supported for years that encourages bike safety for children throughout the summer.
We’ve also sponsored an event for the Robb Nash Project for $500 – more information to come from Cory.
Curtis is going to be sending out final info on the Woody’s Marathon volunteer event this weekend – look for that
Louis and Ryan Lund have both stepped up to join the board next year (starting October 1, 2019). Thank you so much guys!
Still looking for one more board member – please contact me if you are interested.
The Optimist AMS&NW Annual Convention is on August 15 -1 7, 2019 in Great Falls, Montana.
It sounds like we have 4 or 5 guys interested in attending. Jesse Tutt is going to organize this for us – if you are interested let him know! More details to come.
Jorge Robinson
Piper Creek Optimist Club of Red Deer