President: Kevin Stevens
President Elect: Eric Moltzahn
Past President: Cody Davies
Secretary: Rob Toews
Treasurer: Connor Patchett
1st Year
2nd Year
Kolton Gillett
Eric Moltzahn
Warren Marshall
Bingo – Marty Reed
Casino – Jon Murphy
Ladies Gala – Matt Cassidy
Social Committee – Nicolaus Kietaibl, Ryan Lund & Tanner Johnson
Website – Jesse Tutt
* = Honour Club, ** = Bronze Honour Club, *** = Gold Honour Club, **** = Distinguished Club
Members participate in community service programs that are dedicated to bringing out the best in kids. The fee for joining is $150 CAD / year.
Members are expected to attend meetings and help out with events the best they can.
The Friend of Optimists Membership category was created to accommodate people who believe in what Optimist International stands for and what Optimist Clubs do in their communities.
However, not everyone has the time to fully commit as a regular Member of an Optimist Club or perhaps they live in an area that does not have an Optimist Club.
Joining as a Friend of Optimists allows people to Bring Out the Best in Kids apart from Club affiliation
Controller at Blue Grass Sod Farms
Teacher at Hunting Hills
Law Student at Warren Sinclair LLP
Claims Adjuster at Central Alberta Adjusters
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